Monday, November 14, 2011


So our anniversary was a few days after Don got back from his deployment. We woke up on the Friday morning and I said to him... "pack your bags, were going away for the weekend"!

We stayed at Pacific Palms, Boomerang Beach. About a 2 1/2 hour drive north of Sydney. We have never been there and it was stunning. Our resort was 30metres from the beach, we relaxed the whole weekend taking in the views and soaking in the sun! I so want to go back!
While Don worked out on the beach I took photos.
Our great, fully equipped apartment.
6 years... WOW. It has gone so fast. Before we know it, it will be 10! Is it too early to start planning?


  1. Congratulations to a beautiful couple! 6 years, yowza! You've made me look forward to our next anniversary (4 years) so we can go away. Little getaways are the best! Good on you for taking the time out to celebrate.

  2. oh my...I want to go there. Looks so quiet and peaceful. Ah, the beach. Let's go next time we make it over there k!?

  3. We will definitely go there when you come to visit... Its GORGEOUS!!!

  4. awesome guys! and I can tell you guys are just as happy as you were when you first got married, maybe even more if thats possible!

  5. I posted a comment on this when you first put it up, I don't know where it went ? What a truly beautiful place on earth, who could deny God's handiwork ? 6 years, congrats guys, glad you had Don back to share it together, love you both, mum.
